Skyline Music Studio


Skyline Music Studio offers professional, personalized, and diverse music education catered to fit the unique needs of today’s youth.

We find and train the best private music teachers in the area to meet the needs of your child.

What We Do

  • Weekly Lessons

    Lessons are focused on growth and teaching students how to learn on their own. Personalized practice schedules are created for each student individually with their progress being our top priority. We focus primarily on our students' interests while building a solid foundation on musical literacy, theory and ear training.

  • Instrument Care

    We make sure that your child is playing with the best instrument that will set them up for success. All instrument cleaning, maintenance, and repair is taken care of by us, for you!

  • Monthly Parent Recitals

    Celebrate your child's progress digitally or in person. Our program is designed to help our students learn a milestone piece or song every 2-3 months. You will be able to watch their progress each month via a brief digital recital or an in person visit.